Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have a confession to make, I don't really have anything to write about today. Usually I just wait and a topic of interest will pop into my fraun and I'll be off to the metaphorical races. I think I'm just a little tapped. I've spent the last two weeks working on a short story and obviously that's more time than it should have taken. But truthfully I was writing one part a time in the hopes of getting feedback on it. However getting anyone to read my little story has been like pulling teeth.

So I just kept writing and I still don't know if its any good and I'm just feeling a little burned out. I know the next story I want to write and in fact I have a long list of ideas that I haven't tapped yet. Maybe after I take a shower I'll jump back into it and I'm fairly certain that's what will happen. It's just right now, I'm a little beat and don't really feel much like blogging on anything specific. Oh, I didn't mention that I'm trying to write a random thing called"Because Its C heaper Than Therapy"

For some reason I think it has the potential to be a book about me or really anyone who likes to write for a living. I'm not sure because I haven't lived long enough to write an auto biography but that doesn't meant I can't get started now. That's just one more project to put on my ever expanding list. As much as I love writing, I really do need to find another job soon before I can really think that far ahead.

But I suppose in the mean time its just a way to hold back the madness that lurks on the other side of my mind. I'm fairly confident that I will get another job soon then I can start writing for fun rather than emotional reasons. Either way I'm sure everything will work out ok, it usually does. When I set out to update my story list I had no idea just how many ideas I really have had over the last ten + years.

Anyway, I just want to apologize once again for not having anything specific to blog about. This was really just more of a random kind of thing. I can assure you that tomorrow I will have something more specific to write about, that is if I'm still not feeling burned out. Well, in the mean time I think I'm going to lay down for a bit then take a shower and throw my self back into the gears of my word processor, metaphorically that is.

-Jayson C.

July 21st 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009


Something extraordinary happened to me a few nights ago. As you all know I've been working on this short story and before I went to bed I just jotted down some notes or thoughts on it. What came out of those notes was very interesting. Basically I found a pattern or theme to how I was writing the story. I grant you, this pattern really only applies to a first person narrative but its still a remarkable discovery.

With this theme that just developed seemingly at random I can now apply it to some other story I ideas that I have. Suddenly the prospect of trying to get all of these ideas on the page doesn't seem quite as daunting. Obviously I still have to figure out a way to write beyond the first person perspective because even I would get bored with writing for just one point of view. I'm no different than the reader, I want to see whats on the other side of the cobblestone wall to.

I think what I have is a good formula and I don't mind sharing it because I think it could be of use to other young writers such as my self who are struggling. To be honest I'm not sure why this particular pattern has just now emerged but you know what it, it has. I'm trying not to question and just use it as much as I can. Its possible that all those years of playing "Sim City 3000" finally paid off.

What I mean by that is most of the cites I've been building have been symmetrical and have a pattern to them. I just like symmetry and order to things which I think sadly makes me more exited than anything else in life. Again I don't why symmetry and order give me such a feeling of fulfillment but they do and I for one intend to go along with. At least for now its serving my purposes. So with out further delay, below is the formula I am currently using, enjoy.

  • Sarcastically descriptive names for antagonists.
    Specific & descriptive names for others.
    Story name has multiple meanings.
    Settings give a clue to the characters emotional state.
    Sarcasm is used to deflect fear and anxiety.
    Story is told from the first person perspective.
    There is a steady build to the action.
    Subtle references to real world locations.
    The main character is often isolated even among other people.
    Describing objects such as clothing in terms of colour

I'm fairly certain that none of these things are new but they are to me and hopefully I will follow my own advice and apply to another story.

-Jayson C.

July 20th 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009


As previously mentioned before hand since I am currently unemployed and looking for a new job I've had to invent ways to keep my mind occupied otherwise my not so subtle depression might get to me. To make a long story short, I grew bored with playing "Sim City 3000" and fell back on an old hobby, writing. In addition to working on a new short story I've also gathered together just about every story idea I've had in the last ten years.

As a matter of fact, I had woken up early Thursday (16th) and tried getting back to sleep. I swear to the gods that every time I lay down a new or rather old story idea would pop into my head. So then I would get up and write it down and lay back down. Basically this process repeated its self for about a half hour. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep that day but on the plus side, I now have a total of 35 story ideas.

I have to admit that not all of them are Hugo material but at least I have something to work with. Though most of the story ideas I have aren't really new and I don't mean that in the sense that every science fiction idea has been used. I mean that in the sense most of these ideas are ones I've had before hand but never bothered to do anything with. I hope I can get at least another two or three short stories finished before I go back to work.

Unfortunately I know that once I start working full time again writing will probably just get pushed to the side. But who knows it might not because I've never enjoyed writing before as much as I enjoy it now. I'm not sure why its just now happening but I'm not going to think about it too much and just enjoy the ride. I'm also considering trying to get one or two stories published which is something I've toyed with in the past.

Who knows, maybe I'm finally taking this seriously and honestly I'm not looking to make a career out of this. In the end my goal is to have written at least 20 good short stories and a novel if my patience holds out that is. Weather I get published or I don't isn't really that big of a deal because at least what I'm doing is somewhat productive. It could be worse, I might have ended up as an alcholic or worse, a professional blogger, just kidding.

-Jayson C.

July 19th 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009


As you all know I like science fiction but more than that I like a good story with interesting characters. It seems that writing good science fiction is harder than any other drama because its a genre that is literally "an embarrassment of riches" or put it another way, there are so many fascinating possibilities that its easy to get lost. I don't believe that is a negative and point of fact its a huge advantage.

But again with so many possibilities its easy to forget that every story in every genre is ultimately about the characters. I wanted to avoid slagging "Transformers" (Michael Bay) but its just too good of an example to ignore. Basically "Transformers" (sequel included) is just a lot of set dressing and little or no plot let alone characters. The bitch of it is that "Transformers" as an idea or concept is full of potential.

Ironically enough that potential was better expressed during the 80's animated TV series. I feel that Japanese animie is in the same league in that they have a myriad of great ideas and concepts but usually the execution is poor and overshadowed by big explosions and pre-pubescent girls with huge eyes. I have to admit, the latter isn't that much of a detraction but I digress and would like to move on.

I want to make something clear as I believe I have before, I like action and a grand adventure. So I'm not some kind of Indie Film snob but I do believe in any story there has to be an order to things. First, the story has to be about your characters and second the things around said character(s) and third, how they react to those things. But that can be a tricky balancing act even for seasoned writers let alone hacks like me self, lol.

When Ronald D. Moore and his staff were starting to write the finale episode of the new "Battlestar Galactica" they had such a difficult time nailing down how the story would end. Finally it hit him, he walked up to the white board in the writers room and erased all the possible story idea's then simply wrote in big letters "Its about the characters stupid" and in the end it was all about going back to basics and that's the road I would like to travel.

-Jayson C.

July 17th 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009


Today, I am taking a break from my usual ranting and raving so that I can bring you some of my pictures from Boston, MA. I took all of these on March 24th 2005 and I actually took about 120 good pictures but I didn't think all of them were blog worthy. Below are some of my personal favorites. I just wish I could have spent more time in Boston but such as life. Despite the limited time I had I still managed to get some interesting pictures, enjoy.

"Ah, my red, yellow & green chariot"

"A nice aerial view"

"Not exactly breathtaking but interesting"

"I love this shot"

"Looks familiar..."

"Now this is really cool"




"The Boston Commons"

"Since I didn't have time to see MIT for my self this was
the next best thing"

"Part of the ships mast for the USS Constitution or as
its more commonly known Old Iron Side"

"As the sun sets the city so comes the end of my day"

"This was at the end of a very long day"

"Not much to say about this one"

"This is at a neat angle"

"Don't get too excited, its a dry-dock for ships"

"Like with a number of pictures I just like the layout"

"This is a nice one, kind of wish those cars were out of the way"

"I'm not sure what the big sphere is other than a big sphere"

"Nothing specific here, I just like the composition"

"A little obvious but this was the first thing I saw after crossing the harbor"

"I didn't get a haircut here but I do like the brick work"

"This could be a bank but again I just like the shot its self"
-Jayson C.
July 17th 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm not sure if it comes a shock but I like science fiction and that's not to say that I don't like other genres. I like straight drama, comedy and even some westerns & I am confident enough to admit that I like the occasional chick flick. However I tend to gravitate towards science fiction because its a genre with so much imagination and near endless possibilities. Its a genre that feels wide open and less claustrophobic.

So I get up early this morning (unusual since I've been out of work) and usually while I'm making breakfast I turn on the TV in the kitchen and watch something on DVD or VHS (laugh now and move on). I was watching an old "Red Dwarf" special and I think at least twice someone mentioned how unlike other science fiction "Red Dwarf" doesn't take it's self too "seriously" and that really bugged me or rather always has bugged me.

"Not so seriously" almost seems to be code for liking science fiction but not really liking science fiction. Basically its some peoples way of straddling the fence when it comes to this particular genre because its still a nerd thing. I honestly don't understand why science fiction shouldn't be treated seriously instead of something the dares to be ridiculed. That's not to say that I don't like the sillier stuff like a fore mentioned "Red Dwarf" or even something off the wall like "Lexx"

Those shows among others are great but by and large I like serious dramatic science fiction. Mainly its because I'm a fan of drama period and science fiction simply adds another layer on top of an already good story. I remember reading in a magazine a few years ago "Science fiction is the only genre preparing us for tomorrow" I love that quote because on some basic level, its true.

I believe that science fiction is something to be taken seriously and no one should have to walk any kind of thin line when it comes to the genre. I would like to live in a world where science fiction is as respectable as any other genre but I suppose that's just a fantasy. Bottom line, if you like science fiction then you like it and if you don't you don't. For instance I don't generally like westerns but I like a few and I don't hide that parse out that opinion.

-Jayson C.

July 16th 2009